Thursday, November 5, 2009

Does Apple computers get viruses?

i got a laptop ibook G4

Does Apple computers get viruses?matchless

Yes, but with protect, you are GOOD to GO. Remember, just because you did not get any, doesn't mean that you won't. One reason why most Apple people don't get viruses, is because most people that they e-mail with have Windows PCs. Apple only has about a 5 percent market share.

Does Apple computers get viruses?norton 2008

Yes, they do. There were less because the majority of computers ran windows so the hackers concentrated on them but now Apple is getting it's share of malware. The system itself is no more secure.
no,trust me
All CPU's are vulnerable, if not properly protected and updated. It's a cold world!
Any computer can get a virus if it isn't properly protected.
no but the number of apple viruses is increasing drastically

nowhere near as much as window, but it is increasing at a faster rate since there is only one antivirus company that has software available for macs
yes any cpu can get a viruse
Viruses are less common for macs, because macs used to be less common computers. Now they are getting more popular, and more viruses are being created for them. For now you are still fairly safe, but in the future you may not be.
noo... i have the powerbook g4... you really cant, your computer has to be really f**ked up for you to get a virus
There are a few viruses running around that can mess with Macs, but in general they aren't as susceptible to viruses as Windows-based machines. Even in the counter-culture virus-development world of the geek, there isn't much use for Macs!
I dont know, I have an hp!
no get get worms ha ha
Apple have their share of security issues, but due to the size of the user base the hacker focus on the biggest bang, slapping Bill Gates and company. With the increased popularity of the Apple, platform going to X86 and the Apple community bragging they do not get virus, they are RIPE to get a black eye soon.Apple has their share of security issues. Due to the size of the user base the hacker focuses on the biggest bang, slapping Bill Gates and company. With the increased popularity of the Apple, platform going to x86 and the Apple community bragging how they do not get viruses, they are RIPE to get a black eye soon.
no! dont you watch the commercials? jj :) my bro had one, and it neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever got a single virus.

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