Monday, June 21, 2010

Aside from food poisoning, viruses, bad taste buds, hangovers....?

... what is one thing that can guarantee to buckle your knees, and have you serve up offerings and sacrifices to the porcelain god?

Aside from food poisoning, viruses, bad taste buds, hangovers....?antispyware

morning sickness

Aside from food poisoning, viruses, bad taste buds, hangovers....?best antivirus software

Rosie O Donnell
Morning sickness.!?
Hmm lets see... Chuck Norris Round House Kicking you, Finding out your going to have a child, Kick in the nuts (if your a guy), Sticking your finger in your mouth, This one medicine that makes you vomit used to pump out stomachs, (For some people...) Really bad smell, Just plain voluntary (Steve-O from Jackass/Wildboys can do that), Ok can't think of anymore
nerves, motion sickness, vertigo, heart attack

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