Monday, June 21, 2010

Why do people write viruses that just destroy everything?

Seriously... I can understand ones that track which websites you've been to, being in the interests of big business and whatnot.

And then there's ones that steal your information etc.

But what about ones that simply destroy EVERYTHING? Why would someone write those, how do they benefit?

Why do people write viruses that just destroy everything?software

Pure mean spiritedness. Most of the time they do it just because they can. It gives them a sense superiority to be able to cause problems for as many people as possible.

The internet equivalent of hoodlums going down your alley kicking in your trash cans or walking down your street smashing your Jack-o-Lanterns.

Why do people write viruses that just destroy everything?vincent

Because they don't have anything else better to do in their lives so they just sit around thinking up thing to do to other people computers (they don't have a life) simple as that.. Sometime it be a bet between others, sometime it be a game, and other time they are just mean and evil people. and plus this is how the makers of Antivirus, Spyware programs stay in business (by creating software to sell to us) smile...
Thats what viruses are supposed to do i mean have your ever heard of a virus that helps your comp? they benefit because sometimes when you think the stuff is being destroyed, its really being sent to the other comp then deleted on yours, thats how they get personal info.
so they can hack into your computer, take your info (sometimes), or steal programs from you
Hackers used to be kids working for bragging rights but now they're mostly organized criminals or dishonest companies.
They are just like any other vandals they enjoy destroying things, it's as simple as that.
They are too weak to hurt people physically so they feel powerful by destroying people's property

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