Thursday, October 22, 2009

Did God create all viruses in the "beginning" or did they evolve?, why and from what?

Viruses are created by a sin of imbalance. Sin.

Did God create all viruses in the "beginning" or did they evolve?, why and from what?symantic

Yes. All Thing's were created by Him, and for Him, as it is Written in Colossians. Each creation was perfect in it's original created form, and had a perfect purpose in God's Providence, but The Fall of Man cursed, and corrupted, and changed everything.

Did God create all viruses in the "beginning" or did they evolve?, why and from what?viruses

would that include spam?
you cannot even start with the assumption that a god created anything. that is unproven.

else, the rest of your supposition and conjecture is just nonsense.
God never created even one virus. You know God wouldn't create them nasty things. They were created in dog poop. That's how they were created then a dog licked it's butt and licked a child's face and got them spreading.
Lol... SOme of the ridiculous answers!

OK. First of all it depends on what you believe, personally, being a Catholic and also not a total idiot and blind to fact, I know that evolution is real. Now, you can say that evolution is merely a tool of God, that is fine. That is not at odds with religious teaching that God created everything. In fact, some people say that evolution is so amazingly intricate that somthing like God must be behind it.

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