Thursday, October 22, 2009

How long do cold viruses survive on surfaces?

Common Household surfaces?



Thank you.

How long do cold viruses survive on surfaces?security

About 48 hours then they die

How long do cold viruses survive on surfaces?trojan

Until they die.
2 or 4 hours depending on the surface
It depends on the virus. As a general rule of thumb, the more people who touch something, the more viruses and bacteria you can expect to be on that surface. Some bacteria can survive for very long times on surfaces, and although viruses are generally more fragile some can survive for relatively long periods of time as well. Anything that is out in the sun or washed with a little bit of soap and water can be considered relatively clean, and if you really feel like disinfecting - alcohol or dilute bleach.
forever and ever....amen
Upto 48 hours
The length of time that cold and flu viruses can survive outside the body on an environmental surface varies greatly. But the suspected range is from a few seconds up to 48 hours, depending on the specific virus and the type of surface.

Flu viruses tend to live longer on surfaces than cold viruses. Also, it is generally believed that cold and flu viruses survive for longer periods on nonporous surfaces?such as plastic, metal or wood?than they do on porous surfaces?such as fabric or paper.depends on the virus since many cause colds.

It can live on objects for days! Public phones are not a good idea, open the washroom door with a paper towel, wash your hands before you eat :)

the virus cannot live without a carrier. so i suppose depending on the type up to a day or two.
2 days then they die.

Please give me best answer, i need the points to ask a question and i dont want to have to make a 2nd account.

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