All computers can get viruses...
Do Mac computers get viruses from using Lime Wire or other such Applications?norton internet security
In this reason that you were using Mac OS, you in most of cases won't get viruses, in Lime Wire, people mostly put viruses for Windows OS, because most of people use it.
I am sure that if you download carefully and have an Anti-Virus there is noway easy to enter a virus there.
Do Mac computers get viruses from using Lime Wire or other such Applications?spyware remove
xerox is right, but Macs get less viruses. why? mac os is not the most popular operating system, thus, there are less people attacking macs. the more popular that macs get though, the more viruses, so yeah.
All comps get viruses.
if you want one limewire is a sure bet..any people to people site can give you one because theyre not secure ..
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