Thursday, October 8, 2009

I have recnetly had viruses in my laptop they are now removed but my laptoop is still working slowly

What can i do to tackle this?

I have recnetly had viruses in my laptop they are now removed but my laptoop is still working slowly?suzuki

Based on what you stated, there are residues of the virus infection which is causing your laptop to be sluggish. You can attain a third party software to clean up the residues.

My best advise is to back up all your valuable data to an external HD or other reliable medium. You then should reformat the laptop HD and reinstall the OS. Though the virus is currently eliminated, it still may exists in the restore points or other part of the HD depending the type of computer viruses you had.

After doing the reformat and OS reinstall, make sure you have a very good anti-virus software and do not download unknown files or open unknown email especially from public website (myspace, facebook, yahoo personal websites, etc.) so you can avoid unnecessary down time or going through what you are currently experiencing.

Good luck!

I have recnetly had viruses in my laptop they are now removed but my laptoop is still working slowly?virus

install ---ADVANCED WINDOWS CARE V2 PERSONAL----run the program using the one click fixes and when your pc is optimised you can delete it.GOOGLE IT for the download.
i would reformat comp and restore original factory settings
Make sure that you don't have any programs running in the background. If all else fails, contact Leo LaPorte on "The Tech Guy"!
You didn't get everything. What kind of antivirus software are you running? Any antispyware software?

Comodo Antivirus (free)

Ad-Aware (Free version)

Spybot Search and Destroy (Free)
try usig a program to use spymare u can get spybot search and destroy for free and its really good

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